Path to Baby Mosiman
Path to Baby Mosiman
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Megan Mosiman is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name Is Megan, and my Spouse Kevin and I have been unsuccessfully trying to start a family since 2019. We have been together since high school (2009), and married since 2019.
We have been seeing a fertility specialist since just before we were married due to me finding out that I had a uterine anomaly. Through an imaging test called an HSG I found out that I had a bicornuate uterus. This meant that my uterus was shaped like an heart, quite literally. I did not have typical cycled, and when I did have them they were very heavy.
I feverishly attempted to cycle track and took what felt like hundreds of pregnancy tests in the coming years to no avail (as I never really had a normal cycle until recently). Back in June, I found out I had a rather large cyst on one of my ovaries, and we watched it to see if it would resolve on its own. Then to my surprise, my cycles started regulating and coming normally between July and November.
I spoke with my fertility specialist again and asked if he would consider trialing me on some oral fertility meds to which he said he would if the cyst we had found on imaging in June had resolved as this would likely cause complications if I were to get pregnant and it was still intact.
I went in for another US, and was supposed to have a follow-up with my doctor on December 5th. The morning of December 4th I woke up at 3am with immense pain in my left flank area. So much so that my husband drove me to the local ED where it was suspected that I had a twisted ovary based on various imaging exams I had while there. The doctor explained that I would need surgery to fix the twisted ovary or possibly remove it. He also stated that it was possible that I could lose a tube in the process but wouldn’t know for sure until he was anble to visualize what was going on inside by abdomen.
I consented to surgery, and came out of surgery to find I had 2 hydrosalpinx which both had to be removed. This meant that I would never be able to naturally conceive on my own and was at that point considered “sterile”. My heart and world felt like it shattered into a million pieces. I had a follow-up with my provider who stated that luckily, I did not lose either ovary so there were still options for me to get pregnant, we would just have to use a little science to do so.
I made another appointment with my fertility specialist after I healed from the surgery and was sent cost estimates for IVF as this is now the only option for my husband and I to ever potentially have a chance to conceive. I knew it was expensive, but not to the tune of $35k per cycle. To say we were sticker shocked was the understatement of the year.
We have tried applying for grant funding/loans but have been denied and at this time don’t have a path forward unless we can qualify for a grant or get some help via crowdfunding as neither my husbands or my insurances have fertility coverage benefits.
It has always been my dream to be a mom one day, and now the reality of that being my future has been thwarted due to this unfortunate circumstance. Thank you for your time and consideration to help us on our path to baby Mosiman!
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Megan Mosiman is organizing this fundraiser.